Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are systems that work just like the brain. They are utilized in almost the entirety we use every day from face reputation on our telephones to our faces on self-using motors and voice assistants like Siri and Alexa. How exactly do these networks end up learning such tasks? So how do they know what to do with those pictures, translate languages, or help you pick the next movie you would want to watch?
In this article, we will see how artificial neural networks are trained in a simple way and how they become smarter with some important methods.
What is an Artificial Neural Network?
So before we talk about how these networks are trained, it’s important to quickly define an artificial neural network. Picture it as a web of tiny “neurons” or units linked together.. These are not your normal neurons; they don’t work exactly like the neurons in your brain. They take input, process, and output.
The network is made of layers:
- Input Layer: This is where the network receives the data, whether a picture, a sound, or whatever.
- Hidden Layers: They do the hard work of processing information. To write the graph, they try to find patterns or relationships between the data.
- Output Layer: The final result of this layer is like a decision or a prediction.
Training: Teaching the Network to Learn
You have to show an artificial neural network lots of examples before you can train it. We want to help the network learn how to make the right decisions based on what it receives.
Training a neural network is like instructing a child. If you teach a child to identify fruits, imagine showing them many pictures of apples, bananas, and oranges. As the child gets older, the child will learn to identify the characteristics of each fruit that are unique to it, such as color, shape, and size.
The network learns from examples in the same fashion. It needs data (pictures, sounds) and the correct answers (‘this is an apple’) to figure out what’s going on.
Understanding the Process of Training a Neural Network
Training a neural network requires a few critical steps:
Feed the Data:
The first is putting data into the network. It can be anything—a photo, sound clip, or text. For example, say you’re teaching the network to identify which photos are of dogs and which are cats, and you feed in the images one by one.
Forward Propagation:
When data enters the network, it passes through each layer. Layers process something and send their results to the next layer. It is called forward propagation.
The data is understood because each neuron in a layer tries to make sense of it. For example, the first layer could be features like edges, while the second layer might see more complex features like eyes or even tails.
In the end, the network produces a result, like “This image is a cat.”
Compare the Result:
We are now comparing the network’s result to the correct answer. The network was wrong if it said “cat,” but the answer was “dog.” Error is the difference between the network’s guess and the correct answer.
For this mistake, the network has a process called backpropagation to fix it. It’s like going back and figuring out where the network went wrong.
Using backpropagation, we calculate how much a particular neuron in the network participated in the error. The network then changes connections between neurons’ strengths (weights). We want to make the network more accurate next time around.
For example, if the network hypothesized that a cat could be predicted using that feature, the feature would become stronger in future guesses.
Update the Weights:
When the network realizes what it is wrong with, it learns how to fix the mistakes in the weights to improve it next time. That happens through a mathematical process known as gradient descent. For example, when I have tried something, I change a recipe based on each try to improve it.
This network cycle continues, improving until it learns from the mistake and improves on each try. As it gets more examples, it becomes easier to recognize patterns.
Key Strategies in Training Neural Networks
Once we understand how a neural network learns, we can discuss what makes this training process even more effective.
Using Large Datasets
Neural networks need a lot of data to get smarter. The more examples they get, the better they’ll recognize patterns. For example, a network trained to identify cats and dogs must have thousands of images of cats and dogs. In other words, the network becomes more accurate as the dataset gets more prominent.
Overfitting and Underfitting: Finding the Right Balance
Of course, networks have a bad habit of making mistakes and getting too bogged down by the training data. It is called overfitting. In simplistic terms, the network becomes able to learn its examples too well, generalizing poorly to new data.
However, if the network is not learning enough from the data, it is called underfitting. It’s like a child who only sees one picture of a dog and can’t see any other dogs.
However, this means we want to prevent both. The best way to avoid this is to use strategies such as cross-validation and regularization so the network can learn the sound patterns without memorizing everything.
Learning Rate: Finding the Right Speed
In the same way, the learning rate is similar to the speed at which the network moves its weights. The network can begin ‘skipping’ past the correct answer if the rate is too high. But if it’s too low, the network will learn too slowly. The learning rate determines whether the network can learn efficiently.
Training an artificial neural network involves a step-by-step approach in which it improves and learns from its mistakes. It becomes smarter, gives many examples, has backpropagation strategies, and adjusts its weights.
The more data fed into the network, the better it gets, like a child learning from practice. That’s why artificial neural networks are helping make machines more intelligent and helpful every day, whether they recognize your face, recommend music, or drive a car.
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